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send data from code behind to a javascript function

Samuel Fernandes 1759 22-Aug-2014

Hello i have a aspx page and have this code on it:

<asp:Button ID="ButtonOk" runat="server" Text="Ok" OnClick="ButtonOk_Click" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    function fnClickOK(sender, e)
        __doPostBack(sender, e);

and on my code behind i have this code:

ButtonOk.OnClientClick = String.Format("fnClickOK('{0}','{1}')", ButtonOk.UniqueID, "");

protected void ButtonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

now i have a class (class someclass = new closs()) that is been Created in the code behind and i want to use it in the ButtonOk_Click function.

so I could do somthing like this:

protected void ButtonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   string name = someclass.getname;

so how can i send data from my codebehind to my javascript function?


Updated on 22-Aug-2014

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